How can I get a solicitor to release the proceeds of sale?



My father engaged a soliticitor to handle the sale of his house which closed circa 16th October, 2012.

Despite numerous e-mails, phone calls he has not received the funds from the sale

The solicitor has promised to transfer the funds to his account on several occasions but has failed to do so to date.

My father is an 80 year old man with a heart condition and is very distressed with the situation, he is of the opinion that he has lost his life savings.

Any advice as to how to proceed in a speedy fashion this matter would be greatly appreciated
He has not lost his life savings.

Contact the solicitor. Ask for a full explanation and ask that the funds be transferred immediately. Say that the matter will be brought to the attention of the Law Society if the funds are not transferred within 5 days.

In the event that the funds are not transferred, get in touch with the Law Society. They take these matters seriously and will take action.

Get onto the Law society and make a complaint

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Personally of it were me I would do as a previous poster advised and pay him a visit and I wouldn't be leaving till I had a bank draft.
Certainly if the law society do you no favours a visit (preferably while he is busy with other clients) during which you can talk loudly about the "missing money" might be worth a shot.
@ballygarret - any update? Mf1 advice is on the money.
Its always helpful to give updates.
Thanks for all your helpful replies.

I did as mf suggested and told him that I was making a complaint to the Law Society.
Funds were transferred the next day so I put my burly friend on hold for the moment.

Thanks Again:)
I had a similar experience, where I was unable to get a document from a solicitor, despite promises for over a year or so. It arrived within one week of the mention of magic words "Law Society".

I have done the same with Chartered Accountants who have not paid money owing to me. I told them I would be reporting them to the Institute. Although the Institute replies that they have no role in members paying their creditors, I still mananged to always get paid very promptly by just mentioning their name. No one wants to come under their institute's notice for any reason.

maybe they get some sort of interest for keeping the money lodged....
I'm buying a house at the moment. The contracts have been signed and exchanged 5 weeks ago. It was a straight forward sale, and the solicitor confirmed me about month and a half ago that all documents are in order. The sale is still not closed, and i am afraid now i'll end up paying a higher stamp duty...
The cheque was drawndown 10 days ago. He must have some sort of benefit from his bank if he keeps those money in his account...
maybe they get some sort of interest for keeping the money lodged....
I'm buying a house at the moment. The contracts have been signed and exchanged 5 weeks ago. It was a straight forward sale, and the solicitor confirmed me about month and a half ago that all documents are in order. The sale is still not closed, and i am afraid now i'll end up paying a higher stamp duty...
The cheque was drawndown 10 days ago. He must have some sort of benefit from his bank if he keeps those money in his account...

AFAIK, the instant access accounts used by solicitors have a ridiculously low interest rate.

200K in an account at 1% for 10 days will net €56. I doubt if your solicitor is making work for himself to accrue €5 a day.

Also, based on my memory of an old post on AAM, you are entitled to any interest accrued as long as the amount is above a certain amount,