How can I deter teens from hanging around my house?


Registered User
I hope some people can give me some suggestions as I am at my wits end,

Basically The estate i has gone really down hill, flocks of teens hanging around, which is ok but they are wrecking the place.

Some Examples

1. 2 tree saplings pulled down in front of my eyes, have contacted guards who have no interest in doing anything about it

2. Grafetti near main entrance to the estate, haven't seen culprits but could hazard a guess,, eg Stacy luvs john etc...

3. Shouting and arsing around at 11pm (in the torrential rain that we have been having)

4. Knocking over rubbish bins and scattering their own litter all over the place

5. Damaging a car

I really don't know what other people think in the estate, a lot of them are parents of these children. Anyone else I have spoken to is also p***ed off put just feel that their hands are tied. I want to stress also that unless they are on my patch so to speak i don't bother with them. However one evening a few weeks ago i noticed out fence was destroyed again with grafetti so when i saw the suspects place their behinds on it again later that evening I went out to them and gave them a serious talking "down" to. I went ballistic with them, All girls, the following evening there was a repeat performance in that they set up camp again and I went ballistic again and in fairness they came into the house and said they would clean the grafetti. (they got a marker and scribbled out their own names)!!

Anyway last night another batch of them were up on the fence and they broke it. I am at my wits end, you get no law from them, I will try anything now (but i'd love to get a giggle out of it) Any suggestions, threats of violence don't seem to work!! ;-)
Re: How can I deter teens from hanging around my house??

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Re: How can I deter teens from hanging around my house??

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Was going to suggest the same. It works, I've seen it in action in my town. Because of the expense, maybe you could club together with neighbours in a similar position?
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Re: How can I deter teens from hanging around my house??

Some kids nowadays are dragged up and not brought up. Their parents would prefer to have them roaming the streets at 11 pm than interupting their telly time.

When I was young if a neigbour complained about me I would be punished by my parents. ( Rightly so ) Now if you complain about peoples children there is a very good chance that she will not believe that her precious child (I say her becuase the jocky in alot of cases has moved on to the next horse) would do such a thing even if there hands are black with spraypaint and it's after 11pm at night.
Re: How can I deter teens from hanging around my house??

What about a Daniel O`Donnell cd playing through your front window?.....hold on.. that would deter most people though.
Seriously though it is a major problem with no quick fix solution as they thrive off the idea that they are annoying you.
Re: How can I deter teens from hanging around my house??

Sounds to me like you should fix your fence then it probably will need a coat of varnish. Can't recommend a colour. Best you start with a clear varnish. Wait until about 7 pm - I find varnishing in the evening the best - then varnish the top of the fence just to see how it comes out. Leave it to dry. don't get one of those quick drying varnishes - they're not very good. Get one that takes about 5 hours to dry. You can finish the job another day.
Re: How can I deter teens from hanging around my house??

Yea it is pointless going to the parents, waste of time, especially the parents of the irish children, to be fair most of the foreign kids just play ball on the green area and are not making a nuisance of themselves.. One household comes to mind, 2 beautiful kids about 12 and 6, but one as fair as sun and the other one as dark as night, mother only seen in a dressng gown monday to friday and come the weekend she is like sue ellen with the style and a different "visitor" every few weekends, the kids are never off the road. even the 6 year old is out in all weather.. I am seriously thinking of the mosquito net thing but it is so expensive, i think this evening i will put engine oil on the fence and let the parents of the offenders pay for the new designer track suit bottoms like i have to pay for the repair of fence. Also I wonder would it be risky to give them a bottle of white spirit to remove the grafetti. I'd be afraid the cretins would sniff it and i'd get the blame..
Re: How can I deter teens from hanging around my house??

I'm 30 and I can hear the mosquito (it sounds a little like an older CRT TV set starting up). It is really really annoying. It has made me leave a few shopping areas in the past (although that probably wasn't the users intent, seeing as I'm a lucrative consumer, rather than a loiterer).
Re: How can I deter teens from hanging around my house??

Also I wonder would it be risky to give them a bottle of white spirit to remove the grafetti. I'd be afraid the cretins would sniff it and i'd get the blame..

Be careful, if they come to any harm with something you provided you could end up being sued or harrassed even more.
Re: How can I deter teens from hanging around my house??

Forget about guards etc.
The most practical thing you can probably do in this situation is move. It sounds like the estate is becoming a ghetto. I'd move now before it gets worse, and you will be stuck there.
Re: How can I deter teens from hanging around my house??

Forget about guards etc.
The most practical thing you can probably do in this situation is move. It sounds like the estate is becoming a ghetto. I'd move now before it gets worse, and you will be stuck there.

I don't think thats going to happen in the next few months with the way the market is, there are 2 other houses for sale on the estate and they are not shifting. And anyway I don't want to move, I am in the perfect location for work etc...
Re: How can I deter teens from hanging around my house??

There was a similar thread to this one some time ago, but I can't find it right now.

I was listening to a talk show on the radio where someone called in to complain about teenagers hanging around their house and causing a nuisance.

Other listeners called in with their solutions and one, I thought, was really good.

The family home was next to a green area and up to 20 or 30 teens were gathering there every evening to drink, mess around, generally damage trees and property in the area and were making enough noise so as to prevent the family's children from sleeping.

The father and his friends came up with a plan and waited until there was a group of about 10 or 15 teens gathered beside their house. They then each opened a can of beer, took their cigarettes with them and went out and, in an unconfrontational, friendly manner, joined in with the gang.

The teens were so shocked and of course didn't want to be hanging out with the 'oldies' and quickly moved on. They did this for a few nights and the kids stopped coming back altogether.

I don't know if something like this might work for you, but I do think that if they are getting a reaction from you, the more damage and nuisance they will cause.

There's an inspirational story [broken link removed]about a woman who mobilised her neighbours into reclaiming their estate from thugs.
"When I was young if a neigbour complained about me I would be punished by my parents. ( Rightly so ) Now if you complain about peoples children there is a very good chance that she will not believe that her precious child (I say her becuase the jocky in alot of cases has moved on to the next horse) would do such a thing even if there hands are black with spraypaint and it's after 11pm at night."

Niallers, I find your comments above extremely offensive. How dare you refer to women as horses!! I know several single parents, both male and female, who have done an excellent job bringing up teenagers. The OP did not in any way suggest that these teenagers come from single parent families. Clubman, as a mod who is posting on this thread I would appreciate your input. LS.
(I say her becuase the jocky in alot of cases has moved on to the next horse)

TBH I thought it was funny and made me LOL. And I am a women.....
Lightswitch- It's a metaphor

Mrs Niallers is from a single parent family and she has been brought up better than anybody I know.

So , Come off your high horse
What is is a metaphor for Niallers? You clearly implied that you believed these children were brought up by single mothers. Trying to justify your comments by bringing your wifes background into it is ridiculous, you said what you said with no evidence to back it up. Apologies to the OP for taking the thread off topic, but I do find ignorant comments like these extremely offencive.
It was humour. Lighten up. Try turning yourself on.