How big is this house?


Registered User
I noticed the following measurements on an auctioneers website for a house consisting of living room, bathroom, kitchen, and 3 bedrooms.

The figures after the 'equals' symbol are mine...

12`0`` X 15`6`` = 186
9`6`` X 10`10`` = 103
10`4`` X 6`3`` = 65
10`7`` X 11`8`` = 123
12`7`` X 7`3`` = 91
16`5`` X 7`0`` = 115

Are my calculations approximately correct in thinking it's about 683 sq ft? Which, I think, seems quite small for a 3-bedroom house?
Re: How Big is this House...???

683 sq. ft. seems really small for a 3 bedroom house. Our apartment (2 bed) is 850 square feet.
Re: How Big is this House...???

You might be forgetting to take into account the floor area taken up with hallways, downstairs toilet, stairs, landing, hot press and en-suite?

At a guess given the size of the rooms that you have outlined I'd say that the house is between 950 and 1050 sq ft in total.

Does the auctioneers website give a total sq footage for the house ? - they do sometimes. Alternatively try and find a similar house that sold recently and you might be able to get the sq ft from that
Sq m would be easier to deal with!

Only if you can visualise space in sq meters !! I for one wouldn't have a clue how big 20sq meters is but I know I can very easily visualise 20 sq ft.

I know I know I'm living in the past!!
It's around 10 to 1 (well 1 square metre = 10.7639104 square feet to be exact). Not that hard to do the conversion.
It's easier to calculate in sqm and you can then use Google or a calculator to convert to sq ft if you need to visualise the space.
Re: How Big is this House...???

efm said:
You might be forgetting to take into account the floor area taken up with hallways, downstairs toilet, stairs, landing, hot press and en-suite?

At a guess given the size of the rooms that you have outlined I'd say that the house is between 950 and 1050 sq ft in total.
It's a bungalow, so no stairs or landing. I haven't included the hallway which is 8' x 5'1''. I think that's an extra 43 sq ft, which brings it up to a total of 744sq ft, which still seems small...

There's no en-suite or additional toilet. Not sure about the hot-press, but I suppose it won't add much anyhow...

efm said:
Does the auctioneers website give a total sq footage for the house ? - they do sometimes.
No, they don't have the total sq footage listed
Have you seen the house? It's obviously small given the room sizes. And if they've left out the total sq footage they're probably trying not to scare everyone off. You could do a quick measure yourself by just pacing out the front and gable wall. About 3 feet per stride will give you a rough idea of the total "footprint" of the house.
extopia said:
Have you seen the house? It's obviously small given the room sizes. And if they've left out the total sq footage they're probably trying not to scare everyone off. You could do a quick measure yourself by just pacing out the front and gable wall. About 3 feet per stride will give you a rough idea of the total "footprint" of the house.
Thanks, I've only seen a picture of it on their website. It doesn't look especially small in the photo...

I've just checked their website, and they don't actually give the total sq footage for any house which they have for sale; just the room measurements.
If you Google the road (similar houses for sale) you might get the approx. measurements from another agents site.
Well, zoe, you seemed to have come across an honest auctioneer, one of the few. The "habitable" space is what counts when buying/renting a home, not the total space. This could as well include the attic, the garage, the coalshed lean- to- structure ect...."Habitable space" is explained in the "technical guidance dopcuments" of the building regulations, it basically means the space where humans can live. A hallway or a toilet for example would most likely not have adequate ventilation, heating, daylight.
So a home with 10m2 of stairhall , 3 toilets of 2m2 each and a garage of 15m2 plus a bedroom of 16m2 would have a habitable space of --- 16m2! It would be a home as such, I think (though I'm not sure) a min. size of habitable space of 8m2 is what the regulations demand.You would be allowed to live with two in such a structure, provided there is enough ventilation, daylight etc.. The min. space per prisoner is 8m2 floor area for example.