How and when is an old public road deactivated becoming a private road?


mr. sprung

I have previously purchased an old house which is located at the end of an old road in co. Cork.

This road was a main road at one stage but has now descended into disrepair. A new road was build many years ago which meant that the old road was no longer needed. The old road now only serves 4 houses and some agricultural land.

Over the past number of years the residents of these houses have tried to maintain the road. It is however in very poor condition. I therefore contacted the council, asking them to fill pot-holes etc. I was informed that the road is now a private road and not under their control. Is this correct?

How and when is such a road de-classified? Any details or references to legislation is very much appreciated..

I would love to have a go at this one!!
Re: Road question?? Is the council correct

Personally, if I were in your position I would make an appointment with the County Engineer, and find out what you can do to cooperate with the council and make them take responsibility for maintaining the road. It may involve you house owners improving the road by investing some money in the road, and possibly receiving a council grant to help you. The council may then take future responsibility for it. Or there may even be an answer that is simpler than that.