How accomodating do we have to be to neighbours/builders?


Registered User
We purchased and moved into a new apartment last August. We had a problem with plumbing at the start, and water from us ended up doing some damage to the two apartments below, which we subsequently paid to have fixed.

Since then the apartment directly below us has had constant problems with leaks coming from upstairs, but not from any pipes above ground, i.e. the leaks were coming from pipes in the concrete so they were the builders fault. The builder has sent out plumbers etc on numerous occasions to try remedy the problem. So almost every week for the past 2-3 months, we have had to leave a key out for plumbers to check different things. We have also had the floor of our hot press taken up (and replaced), and had pipes replaced in our attic and hot press.

Still the problem persists. So I have been asked again can the plumber get in to the apartment next Monday.

Basically, we are sick and tired of having people traipsing in and out of our apartment with the accompanying dirt etc. Now I will admit that the workers have been tidy and courteous but I am not sure how many more times we are supposed to allow this happen? I do feel for my neighbour and I hope that the problem does get sorted for him but....

Also the next step will prob involve taking up our wooden floors to check for damage to other pipes, obviously the builder would have to replace them but this doesn't really compensate for the hassle of having your floors removed.

Any suggestions?
We purchased and moved into a new apartment last August. We had a problem with plumbing at the start, and water from us ended up doing some damage to the two apartments below, which we subsequently paid to have fixed.
Did the block insurance not cover this? Or Homebond?
Did the block insurance not cover this? Or Homebond?

Quick answer no!

It was kind of complicated though (I posted about it here before).

There was two leaks 1. when we installed the washing machine it wasn't done right so it leaked which was our fault and then 2. our waste pipes kept overflowing when we used the dishwasher/washing machine, every time the builder's plumber came around it would work fine (!) and he would lecture us about not putting solids/fats down the drain (we were just after moving in!), and finally after they got Dyno-rod out to rod the pipes they haven't given any problems since. It would seem likely that there was some crap stuck in the pipes from when they were installed, but, the builder would never admit that they were at fault!

Anyway the damage to our neighbours came to about €900 and there was also damage to our wooden floors. The block insurance excess was €750, and as far as I could ascertain neither the block policy nor our contents policy would cover our wooden floors.