Housing regulations - wheelchair ramps, max gradient?


Registered User
Hi all,

Can anyone tell me what's the maximum slope permitted in wheelchair ramp access to new dwellings? I've been looking at http://www.environ.ie/en/Publications/DevelopmentandHousing/BuildingStandards/FileDownLoad,1655,en.pdf
(Technical Guidance Document M - Access for People with Disabilites (2000) (Reprint May 05))
but it isn't 100% clear to me - is the maximum allowed 1 in 12?

Also, is it correct that all new houses must have a wheelchair ramp entrance (even if this was never shown in plans nor mentioned as a condition when planning was granted)?

is the maximum allowed 1 in 12?

Also, is it correct that all new houses must have a wheelchair ramp entrance (even if this was never shown in plans nor mentioned as a condition when planning was granted)?
Yes. It is due to Building Regulations - not Planning. You can also have external ground level be level with the floor to this section (subject to correct detailing).