Housing Estates in Tallaght - suggestions


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Looking to buy somewhere in Tallaght - really needs to be walking distance to Luas or a seriously reliable bus route with a decent QBC (dont want to spend 90 mins a day each way in traffic)

I can spend a max of €381,000

Where is a good buy for this money? I keep seeing houses for sale in Sundale and Hazel GRove but Im told this is a total no-go area....

All suggestions appreciated!
A friend of mine bought a 3 bed semi for around that price in an estate called Cairnswood near Belgard. Its seems a decent area and near the Luas. I did see a For Sale sign on one of the houses when I was up there last week.
Dell_Boy said:
A friend of mine bought a 3 bed semi for around that price in an estate called Cairnswood near Belgard. Its seems a decent area and near the Luas. I did see a For Sale sign on one of the houses when I was up there last week.

There are some really nice houses in Kilnamanagh and the estate has a good reputation. It's within walking distance to 2 of the stops for the Luas and you have 3 main bus routes on the Greenhills road. Also very close to M50. There are some houses currently listed on myhome.ie that you could check out. You have Dunnes Stores SC within walking distance, a good primary school, community centre, credit union and of course close the Square. Good luck and hope you get what you hope for :)
There are loads of new apartments springing up around the square, one development is Belgards Square which looks lovely has full lenght windows to front and back of some of the apartments !

The only reason I didn't go for these was that I'm a worrier and if my nieces or nephews called over would be afraid of them going straight through the window (even though I'm sure they are toughened glass)

My brother lives in Swiftbrook these are lovely houses but I don't think you could walk to Luas from them but a bus runs from there to the square
There's no QBC to Tallaght yet because the Greenhills Road is not wide enough to allow for one. AFAIK the Belgard Rd. presently only accommodates the bus to Clondalkin. Understand that SDCC will be taking on major work on Greenhills Rd. next year and that this will change this problem. As to how long this work will take and the extent of the disruption remains to be seen.

The answer therefore is to get a house near to LUAS which is definitely a good idea.

www.tommaher.ie, www.dng.ie and www.lowe.ie might give some indication of local prices. Kilnamanagh, Kingswood, Belgard Heights and others are close to the LUAS line but you would be stretched at 381,000.

Best of luck with your purchase.
Estates that run alongside the Luas - Belgard, Kingswood, Kilnamanagh, Springfield, Cairnwood, Virginia Heights.
springfield is still in my price range - whats the estate like does anyone know? safe to walk around at night? any problems i should know about?

thanks in advance......
I have friends who live in Springfield and have never had an issue there. City West at the moment would probably be too out of the way and Luas is not expected until 2008. Have you tried estates such as Glenview just off the Tallaght bypass? there's also some lovely houses in around Balrothery.
Springfields fine, it is a private estate, although there a a good few rented houses, it has good shops, schools GAA club etc and is a couple of mins walk to the Square, hospital and Tallaght Village. Buses at the front of the estate 77B 76, 50, 65, and the 56A runs at the back near Fettercairn/Belgard Green.

Actually there is a house for sale in Myhome.ie which has the Luas running behind it, you could just jump over the back wall!!!
Sundale is the far end of Tallaght,between Jobstown/Brookfield on one side and then Deselby and the tail end of CityWest the other You would need to get a bus to the Luas Stop.
You may be better off checking say the Dublin Street Directory or even taking a drive up to the areas you are interested. The Mapping facility on Myhome is quite usefull.
i wouldnt recomend sundale. out of the way and surrounded by a few dodgy areas. Springfield is grand, loads of amenities and right next to the leuas, depending where abouts you reside. Belgard is a better area again and is also next to the luas, but hasnt got as good local amenities as springfield. Kingswood is facing belgard across the belgard road, located right next to the luas, but not asd habdy for buses.
Personally having lived in springfield for over 25 years id recomend either of these 3 areas.