Housing Estate road is dangerous


Registered User
Can anyone tell me or have had any experience with trying to get a housing estate road/entrance modified to make it safer?Is there anywhere I can check that the road was built to required standards as presently all traffic enters the estate on a bend which has an exit out onto it which is completely unseen as you enter,lots of residents end up merely driving across it in the hope the car doesn't come around the bend too fast...
Talk to your Residents' Association. We got one end of a through-road in our estate closed-off as it was being used as a rat-run. A poll was taken and with a majority of residents in favour, the Council went ahead and did it. It's officially a temporary closure but after 2 years I think it will become permanent. Your local Councillors are useful to have on side.
Can anyone tell me or have had any experience with trying to get a housing estate road/entrance modified to make it safer?

It tooks 6 years (from the time we heard about it) for council to put ramps & bus cushion onto our road....
Few streets down the road, it took them less than a month .....after a second child got knock down by car and i think died...

All of that to say that in many case it seems to be a constant battle to get safety implemented on our roads.. and it will take a lot of effort from resident's association to get something done...unless accident happens. Sad reality...