Housing application for 18 year old


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My son has just turned 18 and is in receipt of disability allowance. He has been attending CAMHS for mobths now but aging out.
I am providing support for him and obviously short term concerms arlnd needs are of the highest priority.
Howver im trying to look ahead and support him returning to education etc. He is extremely intelligent, kind young person but its becoming apparent that the likelihood of him holding down full time employment may be quote low.
He lives at home with myself amd his sister and will obviously always have a home here. However, at some time he may need his own space, with support nearby.
I don't want him navigating massive life changes in the future at whatever point im no longer around. And its unfair to expect his younger sister to become a defacto carer in later years.

Im considering supporting him to put in an application for social housing. Waiting lists are 10/15 years so thinking to at least apply now.

Is there any point? Will they just say he's not eligible as he is living at home? At this stage its just to get his name down as he obviously isnt a posituon to move out at present but it could take years.

Ive heard of applying medical priority but at this stage i just want to look at putting in the initial application.