Housing adaptation grant and vacant property grant

The adaptation grant is intended only to facilitate works to allow people adapt the houses they currently live in to better meet their needs as they age, and are prioritised based on needs. Approval involves an inspection of the building where the inhabitants needs are assessed. Hard to see such funding being approved for an uninhabited building.
Thanks. Way to go then is to use the vacant property grant on its own to refurbish. In x years time assuming the adaptation grant is available to use that for adaptation work e.g bathroom adaptation.
I think that would increase your chances, given that the LA asses total household income and means before deciding how much to give towards any planned adaptation work. They might decide you get nothing as you the vacant property grant should be enough when coupled with the fact that your renovation work will need to meet current building standards.

You might be better off just doing whatever adaptations might be required now even without that particular grant. It's often cheaper do these works once rather than come back later and try convince a contractor to take on smaller jobs.
Points well made. Though an extension plus other internal works and excluding bathroom adaptation will cost approx 80k and the full 50k grant can go towards all of that work. Then apply later years then for bathroom adaptation grant.
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