houses in the castleknock/carpenstown area



Hello all, I was wondering if you might be able to help me.

I just got gazumped on a house in laurel lodge so I'm back searching for a property . I'm thinking of looking further down in luttrelstown/carpenstown; burnell park, luttrelstown rise, luttrelstown oaks. I'm finding it difficult to assess the transport in the area. I'm essentially trying to find out how difficult it is to get to town via public transport in the morning and also the traffic situation. The house we were sale agreed on was close to castleknock train station so we are eager to maintain some ease of travel if possible.

I know dublin 15 as a whole is notorious for gridlock. I'd need to be able to get to glasnevin in the mornings. My girlfriend would like to take the train to town from coolmine. According to google maps, burnell park to coolmine is 3 mins by car, so I'm presuming thats say a 15 minute walk?

Any information or suggestions on the transport situation or the areas in general would be very much appreciated.

It seems to be a nice place to live but any warnings would also be appreciated
It can be quite difficult to get a parking space at Coolmine train station, a lot of people Park in the nearby housing estates but there is now clamping in operation, so it would be handy if you were within walking distance of the station. There are plans to build a multistory car park at the station but I'm not sure when that will happen and you may have to pay for parking when it is built.

The trains can be jam packed at rush hour times but I hear they are a lot more regular at peak times.

Carpnterstown is a lovely area, you should like living there. You may also want to look at Delwood or Rockfield on the opposite side of the tracks, which are also within walking distance of Coolmine train station.

Good luck
I live quite near the train station in castleknock and it's a god send. My friend lives up in Warren and sometimes, it takes her half an hour to make it down from there to the bottom of Laurel Lodge (1 mile!) in a car. That would be in the morning. Not sure about her commute in the evening. I can get the train and although we are jammed in like sardines, it is better than sitting in traffic.
I love living in Laurel Lodge and wouldn't move for the world! Personally I would stick to nearer the train station rather than up in Burnell, but that is my own preference. I like being able to walk to both Blanch village and to Castleknock village. Twelveth lock is a nice spot too.
Why would anyone be driving a 1 mile commute to a train station to then have to try to find parking . . .I hope she has a good reason to have to drive.
If you end up in Carpenterstown or Blanchardstown (Rockfield, Delwood etc) you are very near Coolmine station which means you'll be on the train 1 stop before everyone who is at Castleknock station . . . not that it's much less sardine-like there.
I walk to the train station at Coolmine (living in Carpenterstown). Driving is a waste of time. Burnell Park is literally at the end of the road from Coolmine - no more than a 10 minute walk.

As other posters say, trains are jammers in the morning, but still beats driving. Docklands trains are better in terms of crowds. Service is regular and pretty efficient.
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There are loads more possibilities for houses beside Coolmine Station - Luttrellstown, Burrell and Riverwood (newer estate in the area). You have a longer walk to get to Blanch & Castleknock village though, but I guess its hard to tick all the boxes. I live in Riverwood, a 2 min walk from the train station and wouldn't move for the world!
I used to live in Laurel Lodge and drive to Glasnevin for work. I now live in Rathfarnham and still work in Glasnevin. It takes less time to get to work now!
The best way to get to Glasnevin from Laurel Lodge is on a bicycle.
Cheers for the responses guys. I drove out to carpenstown the other day and yeah the coolmine station is within walking distance so looks good to go on my list Additionally would anyone have any information about castleknock way or castleknock crescent or that end of laurel lodge? We had been looking up nearer the castleknock grove end initially. I've noticed theres a walkway between castleknock way and castleknock elms and wondered if it might attract loitering etc?

As always any information much appreciated.
houses is that area are good bit older than those up in carpenterstown.
Having used to being a bus commuter the traffic is mental down there at laurel lodge beside the football pitches. it can stretch all the way back to the shops.

the lane way your referring to can be quite dark at night time and i wouldnt like to walk down there on the way home from a night out. in saying that the area is safe and clean.
We recently bought a house in Burnell Pk after living in town for 14 years and being used to walking everywhere. I love it here didn't think I would but now I have a child its a much healthier place to live then in the city. I work from home luckily but if I ever have to drive into town its a nightmare, left the house at 9.30am the other morning and got into town at 10.50 just not worth the hassle. I really should have got the train which we do on a night out, 10 minutes or so into town on a practically empty train - its great. The reason we moved here is you get a lot more house for your money, it was either a tiny 2 bed in Ranelagh or a 2,500sq ft, 5 bed here - so we picked here! Good Luck

You can't go far wrong with the train at Coolmine for getting into the City Centre.

I live in Riverwood and worked in Drumcondra ( not too far from Glasnevin ). I varied between driving and getting the train to Drumcondra station from Coolmine and walking.

The main problem with traffic in Laurel Lodge is the school run traffic. I found that if you can get yourself onto Laurel Lodge road before 8am then turning left into castleknock is fine. It's less of a problem in the summer and during school holidays. After getting past there you're pretty much fine towards Glasnevin - follow the Park and through Cabra.

Could leave the house at 7:50 and be on Botanic Avenue for 8:30, but if I left it any later would be 9:10 - 9:20 after you queue to turn right at Laurel Lodge.
The main problem with Laurel Lodge is that its a bottle neck to get out of the estate. Then Castleknock itself is a bottle neck. I think that commuting by car (though I do it) and the bus are none runners for Laurel Lodge. I find I need to be out of Laurel Lodge before 7 not 8. But then its bad in the evening coming home. I find that the traffic volumes are getting much worse now. Partly because of the increasing volume of cars using Laurel Lodge as a rat run. (which will increase when they open Porterstown into Riverwood) But also because of the road works in Chapelizod and the road closures in the park. The reality is the traffic is just going to continue to get worse.

The train is another option. Though personally I don't find standing on open platforms with no protection, then standing on a jam packed train for 40mins either pleasant or healthy. It usually takes me longer than it does to drive. I've started getting the Docklands train and walking 30/40mins from there. At least you get a seat, and you get a decent walk.

I've started cycling again which I used to do years ago.
I really can't believe you guys.

I have been living in Carpenterstown for about 4 years and I work in Dublin 2. I can tell you all that you are wasting your time getting the train, really wasting your time on the bus...and if you are one of those poor souls sitting helplessly in your cars, then you really need help.

I hop on my bike every day and cycle to work. It's brilliant.

It takes about 30 -40 mins door to door, which is about what it takes when the train runs to schedule. I have no stress or clock watching as I know how long it will take. I don't have to endure the sardine-like conditions of the train, and its petri-dish atmosphere. I get a solid work-out when I feel like it, or just toddle along admiring the sights in Phoenix Park. I always get a seat! It costs me almost nothing. And best of all, I get the secret satisfaction of overtaking several hundred cars (I actually counted) with their trapped, frustrated occupants, wondering why the traffic is so's bad because people drive their cars everywhere!!

I guess most people think they have really good reasons for not biking to work, but if I can do it, so can most of you. You don't have to be all that fit - you can take it easy at the beginning and as you get fitter, you can watch the time shorten and the pounds fall off. Yeah the traffic on the quays looks dangerous, but you get used to it, and I would imagine the stress of driving is taking years off your life anyway. And there's no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing.

So stop *****ing about the problems and become part of the solution. Cycle to work!
I really can't believe you guys.

I have been living in Carpenterstown for about 4 years and I work in Dublin 2. I can tell you all that you are wasting your time getting the train, really wasting your time on the bus...and if you are one of those poor souls sitting helplessly in your cars, then you really need help.

I hop on my bike every day and cycle to work. It's brilliant.

It takes about 30 -40 mins door to door, which is about what it takes when the train runs to schedule. I have no stress or clock watching as I know how long it will take. I don't have to endure the sardine-like conditions of the train, and its petri-dish atmosphere. I get a solid work-out when I feel like it, or just toddle along admiring the sights in Phoenix Park. I always get a seat! It costs me almost nothing. And best of all, I get the secret satisfaction of overtaking several hundred cars (I actually counted) with their trapped, frustrated occupants, wondering why the traffic is so's bad because people drive their cars everywhere!!

I guess most people think they have really good reasons for not biking to work, but if I can do it, so can most of you. You don't have to be all that fit - you can take it easy at the beginning and as you get fitter, you can watch the time shorten and the pounds fall off. Yeah the traffic on the quays looks dangerous, but you get used to it, and I would imagine the stress of driving is taking years off your life anyway. And there's no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing.

So stop moaning about the problems and become part of the solution. Cycle to work!
I cycle when I can. But the reality is that not everyone can cycle to work, perhaps they have an injury, other commitments, need to carry equipment or other people, kids, etc. Perhaps they need to make other journeys from work etc.

I guess its easy to ignore that if you don't have of those kind of practicalities to consider.

Yes, I appreciate your point. Of course some people can't do what they need to do every day by bike, but I'm betting the majority of journeys taken by people - either on public transport or by car - could easy be taken by bike, or by foot. For example, I see so many parents drop their kids off at the local schools in their cars - how many of these people have driven less than a mile to get there? Get the kids out on their bikes/scooters/whatever and they'll feel more alert and alive when they get there.

I'd totally encourage those people who ever wondered if they could cycle to work to give it a try, even just for a few days. The weather is getting better, the park looks and smells great, and you just might discover you can do it. Once you get the whole concept, you'll never want to sit in your car again.
I have a little more faith in people. Few people want to be stuck in a car in traffic, and would use other forms if it was practical. Personally I'd love to walk. But I've never had a job I could walk to.
I suppose it depends on what you consider practical. It looks to me like plenty of people haven't even considered cycling as a practical alternative to sitting in their cars. If they had, there would be more cyclists out there, fewer cars, more lobbying for cycle lanes, less stress and so on. Its a change in mindset. If you are fed up with traffic in our area and want to do something about it, the most immediately practical thing you can do is to get on your bike (if you are able).