Household Waste


Registered User

Live in kildare. Am recylcing (drop centres, composting etc) to the extent at home (2 person household) that only collate one refuse bag every 4 weeks. At present pay annual refuse charge of €400 approx however my bin is never full on weekly basis. Therefore am looking to cancel refuse collection. Does anyone have any suggestions around how I could get rid of one bag on monthly basis. ? Do landfills accept refuse directly from householders ? and if so does anyone know of landfills in kildare or surrounding areas. Thanks
Hi Socky1,

Could you do a deal with a neighbour?

You take their stuff to the drop centre - you were doing this anyway.
They in return, take one bag a month from you.
Since they are now chucking out less rubbish, it won't cost them any extra.

You get to cancel you collection, they get to recycle without an hassle.

In case it's of any relevance and might influence your plans at all are you sure that you're claiming [broken link removed] on any existing waste management charges that you pay?
Yes you can bring your waste directly to dump - I have done so in Sillot Hill in Kilcullen anyway. Cant remember how much but would be cheaper than paying for bin collection.
obvious thing is to ask a neighbour, thorw them a few quid towards it and double up.
Or else if you live close to your parents could you do a deal with them?
How do you manage to have so little waste.
We are a family of four and I fill one wheelie bin and one recycling bin every two weeks while my next door neigbour has no rubblish collection at all!
And there are five people in her house.
We also go to the recycling cnetre with lots of stuff but we could obviosuly be doing more.
I cannot believe how you can reduce it to one bag per month though....

They must be human rubbish eating folk. I justify my own full bin each week (and associated 360 p/a charge) by the fact that I chuck out most of my commercial (office) recycling too.

Other than that; I'd be eating the damn stuff!

All that goes in our bin is ashes from the fire and nappies, all possible recyclable material is recycled with forthnightly trips to the recycling centre and all else is bagged into the shed for bi-yearly trips to the dump - €10/car load.
In winter when the fire is on, the bin is collected once a month, in summer once every two months - and theres a ripe wiff at that stage!
Tagged bins
I never leave out my black bin ever. Almost 100% is recycled and the bits over I combine with my parents black bin. Still hasn't stopped DunLaoghaire Rathdown for charging me for lift and weight on a quarterly basis, even though I have told them on three occassions that the black bin they are charging me for isn't mine. Mine is still where I left it, in my garage for the past five years!! Can't wait to go to court.