Household Charge Site says no payment due

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I did not pay the household charge as a protest. But out of interest I registered recently. The site says that there is no payments due? Im not exempted or anything like that? Just an error maybe?
At a guess I'd say that the online system does not have any mechanism to process late payment and fines by default. Maybe I am wrong but given the speed of implementation you may just have to wait for your number to come up in the followup gather than on-line.
I am basing this assumption on the basis of things like car tax you can only pay within a specific window.
I did not pay the household charge as a protest. But out of interest I registered recently. ?

Wasnt that a bit foolish, they (local government) now know who you are that you are liable!!! However you refuse to pay, so they will probably go after you based on your reg details.
Wasnt that a bit foolish, they (local government) now know who you are that you are liable!!! However you refuse to pay, so they will probably go after you based on your reg details.

It doesn't matter whether you register or not. Everyone will have to pay eventually. Local Government don't have to go chasing people to pay. No one will be able to sell their house without having to pay the outstating household charge plus interest & penalties.

People who think they have evaded the household charge are only kiding themselves.
I agree Guns, but as I said they have no excuse not to go after this person who registered but didnt pay!!!!!

They could send a summons straight away!!!!
so this payment goes towards your local council right?? well why do my council (louth CC) get northern/english contractors into my area to do tarmacadam resufacing,road repair,fence repair,speed bumps and on and on......i didnt pay it and im not paying it!
No one will be able to sell their house without having to pay the outstating household charge plus interest & penalties.

That argument just doesnt hold any water. Some people never sell their properties, they die in them. Some people may not sell for 20 years. Do you think the government can afford to wait that long for the money? Certainly a large chunk of the population have far bigger worries re the negative equity on their properties. They may not be able to sell for a very long time to come.

Add to that that roughly 50% did not pay by deadline day. Its clear that a lot of people disagree with it. How much influence will that hold come the next general election when politicians knocking on doors are getting stick about it? A new government could overturn it and then who cares if you never paid it?

The only reason Northern Ireland & English Contractors got the work is because they were the obviously the cheapest tender for the job.

Would you rather the Local Authority awarded to job to an Irish Contractor who was charging more?

Do you not think it is only fair that Local Authorities award contracts to the cheapest tenderers rather than waste your tax money?

When you registered on the site, did you fill out the house details (type of house, source of water) and declare whether you qualified for an exemption or not?

I seem to recall when registering that the default information displayed if you've only entered your name and address (and set up an account, as it were) was "no payment due". The monetary amount due was only displayed after you enter the house details and waiver declaration information.

The "enter details" button was located at the bottom of a webpage, and not easily spotted.

i want to see my money spent and kept within the republic. why not give our own taxpayers something back as in contracts. are you satisfied about the many many of thousands heading up north every xmas for shopping?

what are external contractor giving back? at least if you offer it to an irish co you are getting tax back etc
i want to see my money spent and kept within the republic. why not give our own taxpayers something back as in contracts.

We'd all like to see that but it's not legal. Once a piece of work is over a certain price, it must be tendered to any EU company. If a northern company is cheaper than Irish companies, the government/local authorities have no choice.

This benefits Irish companies too - the value of the products and services we export each year proves that. We can't have it both ways.
Here, Here Markpb, "We can't have it both ways" Its the exports that keeps this country going . yet all I hear is non nationals this non national that. The Irish are the first to jump ship to the UK, USA OZ Canada etc when things go bad here yet we complain about people coming here. I am pretty sure there are less non national here than Irish have left and if they all come back we would be in a much worse postion !
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