Household benefits package


New Member
Hi I'm retired on a contributory pension .living in ireland all my life ,family here ,bank accounts and bills all here .my question is am I entitled to household benefits package if I go abroad on holidays a lot .many thanks for any replies
Full qualifying rules for HBP

Hi I'm retired on a contributory pension .living in ireland all my life ,family here ,bank accounts and bills all here .my question is am I entitled to household benefits package if I go abroad on holidays a lot .many thanks for any replies

Do you "go on holidays" abroad or do you have a holiday home abroad?

If the former, then no problem, but if the latter, then you may not meet the following condition:-

"To get the Household Benefits Package, you must:
  • Be living in Ireland (full-time, all year round) ..................
We own a property as I have health issues we go there in the winter .all my taxes are here ,bills family etc .lived here all our lives .surely they can't keep us prisoners in our home in ireland ?
They would certainly need a letter from your Dr saying what your medical issues are. Otherwise everyone could say they need to go abroad and claim the benefit.
We own a property as I have health issues we go there in the winter .all my taxes are here ,bills family etc .lived here all our lives .surely they can't keep us prisoners in our home in ireland ?

But they're not "keeping you prisoner in Ireland" all that they're saying is that if you want an extra handout from the exchequer then you need to abide by certain eligibility criteria. Which, to me at any rate, seems perfectly reasonable. After all, why should they give you €35 a month towards paying your electricity/gas bill in another country?