House with no parking


Registered User

We are thinking of putting in a bid for a house, but just wanted peoples opinions on how much to cut from our offer.

The house is a lovely period house but its down a tiny potholded lane. There's no drive way so car would have to be parked on this rickety lane right up against the walls of the houses that are each side of the road. So getting in and out of lane would be a nightmare I imagine as no room to do three point turn, also you would have to back up if you met someone else coming down the lane!

We like the house but feel the offer is too high considered this awful parking situation. Say the house price was 350,000 how much would you take off for the inconvenience of the parking situation?
I am sure the inconvience of the parking was already taken into consideration when the property was valued as all things are taken into consideration - location etc so I would offer whatever percent below you feel they are currently being offered around the location. The house would probably be marketed at a higher price if the parking situation was better but given the current market I am sure you could go in with a lower offer. Try 310,000 see what happens.
no offence but if its going to be that much of a nightmare why would you draw it upon yourself, its not some thing you can fix like windows, it will always be a problem!!
i think down the line there are plans to redevelop the rear of the land (which is a field at the moment) and add parking for these houses.. but it won't happen in the shortterm future. We own a property 4 mins up the road where we can park safely and securely and I don't use my car that much so it wouldn't be a daily problem. I'd be happy enough to put up with the hassle for a good while, but I know a lot of people wouldn't have those options so the price should reflect the hassle.