House windows


Registered User
We've just build a new house and got the windows put in but we've a serious problem. The birds keep eating the seals around the glass.
It would be much appreciated if anyone has solution to this problem or has even experienced it for themselves.

Many thanks
Jeyes fluid might keep them away? Not sure what the effect on the seals would be though - best to try on a small spot/one of the windows they keep having a go at.
Maybe try tying some string with bits of tin foil or something across the window for a few days and see if thats puts them off. Then hopefully they'll forget about it and go find someone else to annoy:) .
May work, may not but think of all the fun you could have making up the string and tin foil....:D
Its to do with whatever chemicals that are in the rubber seal.

I know someone else that had the same problem last year and they think that there was some sort of a linseed oil or something on the seal that gave it a shiny finish and that this is what attracted the birds. They eventually stopped but have all the seals chopped.
Hi all,

Thank yo very much for all your help.:)

I got the windows from a company in Co. Louth. They are saying that they have never heard of this problem before. I have tied the film from the inside of a video tape on the windows to make noise this kept them away from some of the windows. I've been told by other people that the smell of the linseed/putty(not sure) in the seals in making them eat them.
I've suggested to the window man to get different rubbers (thats don't smell of linseed/putty) but he's not to keen as the glass has to come out of the windows to put the new rubbers and this will take a days work for three men and the birds could come back again the next day.

NHG - did the company come out and fix the seals after the birds has stopped eating them
I saw in a vegetable garden in France that they were hanging cd's up, I guess to deter birds....... maybe this would work
No, just chopped up rubbers still in the windows - I think that they were timber windows.