House Swap


Registered User
Hi all

Just curious to know if anyone has any info or experience in permanent
house swaps in Ireland?
What exactly do you mean? What about the legalities and tax issues (potentially stamp duty, capital gains tax, gift tax etc.) involved in transferring the ownership of each house to the other parties?
I'll swap you the missus, post 63, well insulated, full of period charm and character no stamp duty and guaranteed to blow all your capital gains;)
^^ heh!

do you mean local authority housing by any chance? I seem to remember that if two families wanted to move (who were in council-provided houses/flats) they could approach the council to arrange a swop? Remember seeing it happen alright between say a family of 4 in a two bed apt in city centre and family of 3 in larger house but on outskirts of town who wanted to be closer, so arrangements were made for a direct swop, but this was only if the two parties were local authority tenants.
NOt sure if this is still in operation though?
Basically we have our sale and the market is dead. We want to move from a country area to a subarb area of Limerick.

What i'm thinking it would be great to match potential sellers for a possible swap so in our case to find someone who would be interested in moving from a subarban area to the country.