I guess it depends on the nature of the survey (e.g. snagging survey versus detailed structural survey) and what, if any, guarantee the surveyor offers. If in doubt ask your solicitor for advice on the legalities of any surveyor contract or report in question.
Bear in mind that your normal bulidings insurance and Homebond (if applicable and if it comes to it) may be more likely things to fall back on than the surveyor.
bacchus, Bear in mind, if it is newish, and covered by HomeBond, if you don't get it surveyed, and there is a subsequent problem, you won't be protected by HomeBond.
its 7 years old. We got it survey and last week we went to see what the house was like empty and notice that the ceiling in living room had warp a bit from a leak, We missed it the first time but the surveyor missed it totally. Closing date is soon, so what happens if its structural damage?
Paragraph 3.6 of the HomeBond agreement
"...Neither HomeBond nor the Member shall have any liability to any successor in title of the purchaser named in this agreement who acquired title after the Dwellings owner at the relevant time knew (or should have known) of the Major Defect, or where reasonable examination by a competant surveyor, architect or engineer would have disclosed the major Defect."