House Refurb, New Regs, QS recommendation


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I would appreciate some information please, I would hope to renovate a house in the near future. Currently in process of submitting planning. I have just realised that there a huge amount of rules & regulations that must be complied with. Once planning is granted, realistically how long will we have to wait for commencement? Our house is a refurb with new dormer section, so what regs will apply? will i have to get an assigned certifier and who is best placed to do this? an engineer is drawing plans am happy with him but is a distance away from site maybe someone more accessible be better.
as budget is tight I am inclined to engage a QS to have realistic view on what we can do,would appreciate recommendations please for west /midlands (western area) please by private mail is fine. google is not firing up too many choices for me. is planning drawings sufficient for QS or would more detailed drawings be required? presume it a worthwhile exercise to engage a QS?

thanks in advance & apologies for all questions but what I thought was like in time gone by - submit planning, get go ahead, engage builder and job done is from the little reading I have just done unfortunately a thing of the past hence my confusion.
Absolutely Bronte, even have that person in mind but I would really like to have fairly accurate within reason of course of costings hence my thoughts on going to qs, it rural build so qs would be thin on ground. Don't want to get so far through the job and find it was under costed by engineer.