House purchase/sale conveyancing; what exactly happens?


Registered User
Hi, just wondered what exactly is involved/required in the conveyancing process for a house sale/purchase? Reason I ask is that I am preparing my house for sale and want to try and anticipate anything that a buyers solicitor may ask for so as not to delay a sale where possible.

Any conveyancy solicitors out there who could give me some form of checklist as to what they require from sellers for their buyer clients? Is it a routine check of title etc, or are there more indepth things that need to be investigated, like planning permission, rights of way, land registry maps etc.
My own solicitor has just said he'll request the deeds from the lender and see what comes up from there, but if anything raises its head down the line I'd like to be prepared and have all info readily available.
Thanks in advance!
As regards your own house your solicitor needs to provide proof (if requested by purchaser) that any add on's or extensions to the original building fully comply with by laws and have planning permission. If you can supply your solicitor with documents for this before hand well and good.

All you have to do is present the house in the best condition you can... as first impressions count.

The house your buying, your solicitor should check over stuff like above and anyting else that you or any surveyor may bring to his attention and the usual stuff like there are no outstanding debts or bill owing on the propery, standard stuff like that.

Thats a brief summary from what I remember..... Good Luck and don't pay over the top, start low and work up.

[broken link removed]
Thanks pudds, not planning on buying anything myself in the near future, just hoping to get as much as I can organised for the sale of my own house - there is a right of way to it and some add-on buildings that I've had to get retained over the last few years so wondering if the buyer's solicitor will want this info, or if there's anything else I haven't thought of that he might need. That's why I was hoping for a 'solicitor's checklist' - sort of something all solicitors need from buyers solicitors during the sale process.
Given that you seem to have unique specifics relating to your property, some detail of which you have hinted at above, I feel your only option is to seek advice from your own legal advisors.
Hi mathepac, I have all the planning/docs related to the extensions etc to hand, but am wondering if these will be needed at all, as my own solicitor simply says that we will deal with any issues if/when they arise. What I'm trying to do is anticipate what these issues could be! ie do I need maps, land registry details etc. Have never tried to sell a house before so I have no idea what is required in terms of the legalities and was just hoping to get a basic checklist
OP, your solicitor will deal with getting maps, land registry details etc. A quick google of "selling a house" throws up [broken link removed].