House Purchase from Plans


Registered User
My partner and I are buying a house off plan, we have signed contracts and we have drawn down the mortgage to roof level.

House is at present behind schedule approx 4/5 months we have problems with the downstairs toilet door position we were told that health and safety would not sign off the house if door was moved but now we have heard from other house buyers that they have been given the option to move the door for a fee of €1000. The builder is still not giving us this option.

When we were putting down the deposit to secure the house we were told it would cost us an extra €5000 for extra land at the back of the house. We have recently visited the property which has been fenced in and there is no difference to our back lawn to any of the ajoining propertys.

Question is do we have any legal standing to these issues, can we withdraw from the sale? or do we have to grin and bare it..

Any help appreciated
Have you not asked your solicitor all of these questions? S/he is the person best placed to answer them.
Have you not asked your solicitor all of these questions? S/he is the person best placed to answer them.

With the height of respect, I would assume the user is looking to get some advice before going head first into a battle. Perhaps a number of ways to resolve the problem?
The best person to advise on this is the OPs solicitor who has the benefit of seeing all contracts and whatever plans, specifications, drawings and building agreements form part of the contract. All posters here can do is speculate which at the end of the day is not very helpful. All I can say is that in this context 'health and safety' means nothing to me- do you mean building regulations are not complied with? If this is the case it seems extraordinary to me that the OP should have to pay the builder to comply with BRs. Also in relation to the extra land- one would have to have the original contract to advise.
"No builder can charge an extra for a house to comply with these regulations"

Hmm, just speculating but consider if the client wants to modify the downstairs loo (which meets the regs), but this new layout does not meet theregs, the builder is surely entitled to ask for any extra costs he will incur to make the "new" layout meet the regs?
I think the previous poster was asking if the door as it presently stands complies with Building Regs is the builder then entitled to charge €1000 to move the door and ensure that it still compies with Regs?
IMO if the door is moved and it does not comply, regardless of whether you ask to have it moved or pay to do so, the engineer won't be able to certify it as compliant.