House prices rising in the UK?


Registered User
Was it only me or did I read correctly in one of the newspapers today that there had been an increase in the house prices in certain parts of the UK?

Could that be correct? If so why? Could the end be in sight for the continued slump in the property game? Anyhow even if it proves not to be the case it has improved my day some what.....

Onwards and upwards
Yea some report suggest last month was first increase in UK house prices since 2006.

Expectation are for some up lift in certain area but unemployment could increase by another 1 million. So no body know what effect that will have.

I don't think the increases in the short term will be much, but maybe the end of the fall in the UK.
Yes I saw an article on BBC news about this last night - but even the estate agents were being very cautious. The agents pointed out that; it is a small upward movement in a market thats been falling for a long time and that the volum of activity is still relatively low.
Another analyst (in a seperate program) pointed out that house prices are still approx. 5 times the national average salary.
Still its good news.

As for Ireland, I think things might be turning round - I'm a 33 year old male and have alot of friends in the same age bracket - some of my friends are now buying / looking, which was not the case for the last 12 - 18 months.
Also in the past few weeks a number of houses that have been for sale for a while have gone Sale Agreed.
Though the changes in the last budget might have knocked the market back again
I couldn't believe it when I read it. I have just taken my house off the market. It had been on for a year and now I read that there maybe a slim chance that the market may again turn!! It's a funny old world.

Maybe it's for the better?
Some people might argue that the stamp duty "holiday" which has been extended to the end of the year is providing an artificial, and temporary, boost to the market which will dissipate when the last of the suckers have been pulled in.
A lot of these "surveys" are manipulated to confuse/mislead public opinion. There was a recent survey on retail sales saying that retail sales were up which retailers found incredulous. Even easier with house prices with very little transactions taking place.