House Insurance 'Burnt Down' value ?


Registered User

Pricing around for House insurance and a lot are asking the 'burnt down' value
So if my house burnt down how much would it cost to rebuild

Checked to see how much I owe on the mortgage but should I get a person
to value it also and does it cost anything to get it valued ?
Does anyone know if this would include contents also or is that something extra ?

There are no similar houses for sale in the area so cannot compare

Any ideas

A lot of lenders/insurers provide guides on their website - look .

The most reliable is probably the Society of Chartered Surveyors (2004 figures), which you can download [broken link removed] (.pdf format)
The 'Burnt Down' value usually only referrs to how much it would cost to clear the site and build a new house on it. Contents are generally insured seperately.
A surveyor would probably cost about €100 - €150 but as Dr. Moriarty pointed out there are websites that help you make an approximate calculation.
Reinstatment value is what insurers are looking for, that is how much it would cost to rebuild the current house, you should make allowance for debris removal of the old, architects/surveyor etc costs as well as the cost of rebuilding the house excluding the contents. It is not the cost to buy the house as this is almost always much higher.