House extension


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Does anyone know about websites that offer help and information on house extensions.

We are thinking about doing an extension but would want to do our research before consulting an architect or builder.

Does anyone know about websites that offer help and information on house extensions.

We are thinking about doing an extension but would want to do our research before consulting an architect or builder.

What exactly are you interested in? Is it internal layout and design ideas or are you looking for info in relation to planning/council issues?
Hi nutty

I am looking at different things, and as you mentioned layout and design ideas. Also I saw an advert today in one of the Sunday papers for timber frames and am wondering if this is an option as well.

I have also come across a site today and it looks very good and this may be of interest to others here.

A good place to start is by looking at other extensions, especially if you are in a housing estate where there may be many similar houses to yours with extensions added. You'll get a good idea of what works, and what doesn't, and you can talk to people who've been through the experience.
I would suggest asking an architect (one you have good recommendtions for) to come and discuss your options at an early stage as they may see opportunities you are missing. I definitely recommend using an architect if for no other reason than to have someone to deal with builders as (in my experience) the latter are hard for inexperienced mere mortals to handle on their own, such is their skill in the art of frustrating and confusing you into submission. A good architect should also make the zillion decisions you'll have to make a lot easier as they should be able to point you in the right direction instead of you having to start from scratch on everything. As it is you'll end up having to learn more than you ever wanted to know about the technicalities of building. These boards are a great help for daily advice.
Also looking to extend my house (single storey), convert my loft and refurbish the existing house (rewire, install heating, skim walls and new doors) and have spoken to both builders and architects. The architects suggested a budget of €250k would be tight. The builder suggested around €100k would be plenty. Now I'm confused! The architects say a man-in-van will butcher my house, while the builder shook his head sorrowfully at the architect's quoted 10%-14% fee.
Can anyone tell me where the €150k difference in price goes or suggest where to go from here?
If you don't use an architect, what assurance do you have that the builder will do everything he says he'll do and how well he'll do it? Who is going to chase him to do everything and do it properly? Builders can give you a quote that covers only the basics and its hard for you to identify whats been left out and predict how much they'll add on at the end. Its easy for them to quote to get the job and then change their tune when they've started. Unless its a builder who you have shockingly good recommendations for I'd be very wary.
Architect have no idea how to price work and are woeful at giving estimates. Often they will give a price and then say i know a builder who will do this. Jobs for the boys if i ever seen.
Get an architect to do up plans and spec , give them to a QS to get a full bill of quatities and send that out to a builder. People will gladly pay an Arch 10-15% of the build cost but wont pay QS a grand to do up a bill. The QS qould be better placed to cost control the job rather then have a Arch go mad on design.

Regarding the huge difference in the figures from the architect and the builder I can substantiate what Toby says above. Builders are usually talking about a "standard" basic job with no problems, detours or changes and you have to be very very wary because this means if they do encounter any difficulties or holdups or if you ask for any changes during the build it will cost you dear and cause you much heartache (personal experience!) If I were to require the services of a builder in the future - for even the simplest matter - I would employ an architect or chartered surveyor to (a) recruit (b) instruct (c) supervise them. It is worth it unless you are very knowledgeable about building, about how the trades work and all the other bits and pieces like planning laws and applications and health and safety legislation.

Good advice - depending on the complexity/finish required an architectural tech or engineer could give adequate design for less cost. Also bear in mind someone should supervise works and sign off on completion to ensure client is getting what they want. If there are specialists reqd eg structural eng - additional fees will be required.

It boils dowm to clients needs and sophistication (wrt building) and how hands on they want to get.

Talking to a builder without drawings, a BofQ and an advisor is asking for trouble regardless of the quote - you will either end up paying over odds or not getting what you want.