House alarms



Anyone have advice on DIY installation of house alarms on a prewired house? All quotes from companies are crazy! Thanks
Hi Aileen,

Welcome to AAM.

If you have a read thru these previous AAM threads on alarms you may find something useful. If memory serves me well this topic has cropped up in the past.
What do you mean by "crazy", have you got something "normal" to compare it against.
Anyway as of 1st of August you will need a license to install alarms. Non compliance will result in large fines.
I have been asking for quotes also at the moment.
They are quoting about €450 - €500 for a two bed apartment, quite expensive. But I think it is a small price to pay for peace of mind.
If anybody knows any company that they could recommend that would be great.

A rough guide to the cost of a wired alarm would be €25-30 per window and door and €340 for the panel keypad bell etc.
Going by this an apartment with 3 windows and a door would cost around €440
jnealon said:
What do you mean by "crazy", have you got something "normal" to compare it against.
Anyway as of 1st of August you will need a license to install alarms. Non compliance will result in large fines.
thanks for advice. The crazy figures quoted to me so far have been between 1100 and 2000 for a 2 bed townhouse!!
SInce my apartment is allready wired for the alarms. i was wondering how difficult it would be to fit your own DIY alarm kit.

if anybody has any experience with this would appreciate some advice.

I recently installed a wired alarm in my new house. Bought it in B+Q and it is a Friedland alarm, PA-8 wired alarm...cost around 240euro..
Heres a link to Friedlands site for more info on it...
Ya..with a basic electrical knowledge and the manual which goes through it step by step and I found it ok. My biggest problem at the start was finding which wires were which...handy tip from electrician helped me there....if you have bundle of wires and lookin for the front door one lets say..then go to fron door and joint 2 colors of the 6 core wire together..then go back to your bundle and check continuity , "Bell out" with a mulit-meter, the same two colours on each wire until you find the right one...Very handy..