House alarms


Registered User
A neighbbour of ours sold their house recently, the 'sold' sign is up outisde the house and it would appear they have moved out. Their alarm has been going off constantly for 4 days (constantly is misleading - it resets itself for 20 minutes, then goes off for 20 minutes, around the clock, so technically you have a break!).

Rang the agent whose sign advertises outside - basically told it's not their problem, their client has instructed them to leave on the alarm. Despite it being obviously faulty and all around have had 3 nights of interupted sleep. They have had all the neignbours ring them with no luck.

Any one any ideas? Other than taking a hammer to it???
Doing some googling I came across [broken link removed] in which it is stated:

Additional Information.Under the Environmental Protection Agency Act, 1992 (Noise) Regulations, 1994, a local authority or any person may seek an order in the District Court to have noise giving reasonable cause for annoyance abated. The procedures involved have been simplified to allow action to be taken without legal representation.

Perhaps you should contact your local authority to see what can be done?
This covers noise regulations in Ireland. It says...

"A European standard for external intruder alarms replaced all current national standards in September, 2003. The new standard incorporates stricter controls regarding minimum and maximum duration for the sounding of alarms. The new limits are 90 seconds minimum and 15 minutes maximum. However, the new controls only apply to alarms fitted from September, 2003." (

the above link also has info on noise pollution. It says

"any individual person, or a local authority, may complain to a District Court seeking an Order to deal with the noise nuisance i.e. noise so loud, so continuous, so repeated, of such pitch or duration or occurring at such times that it gives a person reasonable cause for annoyance."
You could phone the gardai annonomously and say you think something is going on in the house. They might do something to get it sorted
Thank's for the suggestion, but I don't want to waste the guards time - not sure what they could do about it anyway.
Give them a call and explain that the alarm is ringing continuously. Explain that you've contacted the estate agent and they refuse to deal with the problem. A call from the gardai might just persuade the EA that it's in their interests to either get the alarm fixed, or turn it off.
Following a fax from me this morning, I had a written reply from the owner of the estate agent (they're a well known Dublin outfit) assuring me it's sorted out, so I'll see how it goes this evening when I get home.