House Alarms: Auto diallers & certification.


Registered User
Two questions:

1. Which is better, auto dialling or auto texting?

Auto texting is the latest offering. My feeling is that I might not hear a text, whereas I am more likely to here my mobile phone ringing.

What do others think?

2. Is certification of the alarm system important for house insurance?

Many thanks.

I think the digi dialler is the best option, it's the one used on most commercial projects. Your alarm should be constructed and installed to the relevant IS/ EN. I put my own alarm in a few years ago with some assistance from an apprentice sparks. The alarm was designed and manufactured to the IS and I know the installation was correct. We tested it and once the system gives the desired and expected results that's all your insurer should need to know.
Anyone heard of this site, I had a good read and the wireless alarm seems to have all the bells and whistles (excuse the pun). The pricing is also attractive. I appreciate the average user punter would be intimidated but it's a fairly simple install ? My house has had two alarms installed at various stages before I bought it and the wires are driving me mad.

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Usually yeah. Depends on the alarm, but must should have a suitable output to drive on of these. You'll need to get a manual or someone who knows what they're doing to check this out.