House Alarm


Registered User

Can anyone recommend a company to install a house alarm?

I've a quote from Eircom Phonewatch of E659 for installation (including splitter for broadband), plus E252/yr maintenance. First 3 months free so this years maintenance is E189.
This is a special they are running until this Friday. Includes front door, 4 windows & 2 patio doors.

Does this seem like a good deal? Can anyone recommend any better deals?

do you have to pay maintenance on it every year?
Sounds a bit expensive to me...

Check the yellow pages for alarm fitters
Sorry, should have been clearer.

When I say maintenance I mean the monitored service (i.e. if the alarm goes of they ring me, if they can't get through or i dont have a reason why its going off they ring the Gardai)

I'll check the golden pages, thanks.
They will ring the guards but its up to them if they want to respond( have had experience with this). Also check out the warranty period on the system. Your twice yearly service is free but the labour/parts will cost you 105euro to cover per year when the warranty is up.

If you get one here is a tip i wish someone gave me. If you have a problem with your system that you caused e.g. knocked a sensor loose e.t.c. arrange a service call and dont mention it until they call because they log the details when you ring. The engineer will tell you he has to charge for it because the company knows about it. They will charge you at least 85euro to look at anything other than the service itself.