House alarm sensor problems



I am new to this site and was wondering if anyone could help before I have to call in "the professionals". I recently replaced my back door and have put the alarm contact sensor back on the new door and it wont work. Have managed to figure out how to set my alarm without that zone but obviously would like to know how to reset that sensor. Any help would be appreciated.
Hi DeeDee,

Welcome to AAM.

Whilst your problem with the alarm sounds like something that a professional should sort out just wondering if you have the operating instructions booklet? If not have you tried running a search on Google for it?
Hi. The magnet and receiver have 4 different orienrtations to each other, but only 1 orientation is the functional one. Make sure by markings on the magnet and receiver that they are facing each other "correctly". A bit of trial and error might be required.
Thanks very much - thought that might be the case SineWave - shall have a go today before I spend a lot of money getting someone out to do something which seems quite simple! (Famous last words!!)

Thanks sueellen - I have tried the 100000s of google and gave up - the instructions for the alarm tell only how to use the console and not install it as you can imagine. I can try out SineWave's suggestion and see does that work.
Much appreciated!