Hotel in Sorrento


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Planning on going to Sorrento - Italy, the first week of August.

Appears the most straight-forward way to get there is with Are Lingus.
Dublin direct to Naples.
Anyone know of other airlines who go to Naples from Dublin or Cork or Shannon?

Good location?
Recommeded hotels?

Thanks in advance.
Wow Homerscash,
you are in for a treat!
Aerlingus is the only way to fly direct to naples, as far as i know. There's a shuttle bus to the main square in Sorrento for a few euros.
WE stayed in the Hotel bellevue syrene for a bit of luxury - it was amazing!!! so if you have the dosh i would recommend.

Eat at for great food and excellent staff service. Irish bar chaplins is typical terrible irish bar but necesssary if you need to catch football games.

Enjoy , i am very jealous

We stayed full board at the Bristol Hotel a few years ago. Great view over the Bay of Naples and top quality food and service. Night life is quiet by Irish standards.
Try the Grand Excelsior Vittoria. Heaven at its best with views to die for.