Hot Tub - LCD Screen


Registered User
A neighbour of mine has put a hot tub in the bottom of his garden enclosed by a wooden shed. He's wondering if he puts an lcd screen on the wall will it be effected by the water vapour and heat?
I doubt that any electrical appliance would be suitable for use in a steamy environment.
ClubMan said:
I doubt that any electrical appliance would be suitable for use in a steamy environment.

The Yanks like to use hairdryers in the bathroom.

doberden-watch MTV cribs for a flavour of what is possible!
He could mount it behind a well sealed glass panel and feed the sound through a panel.
I have seen hottubs with built in TV so it should work
The Yanks like to use hairdryers in the bathroom.

doberden-watch MTV cribs for a flavour of what is possible!
Yes - but they have a 120V system which is less likely to electrocute the user than our 230V one. What I meant though was that I could well imagine an LCD TV being damaged by the steam rather than it necessarily representing a risk of electrocution to the user (as long as they just use the remote and don't try to switch it on/off or plug it out using wet hands).
The Yanks like to use hairdryers in the bathroom.

They are not the only ones. In Spain the bathrooms come with sockets, so you can dry your hair, and do other stuff you shouldn't do anywhere but in the bathroom...Never had a problem myself or anyone I know for doing just have to be careful.
The holy grail of all things gadgety (and some things pricey) [broken link removed]&
