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I have been with a new hostsing company for almost 1 year and in the past 3 months have been experiencing a lot of down time, stats not running , mail servers down etc..

I would be interested to hear of any recommendations or advice as I am renewing in the coming months.
Many thanks! used to be a good place for local info such as this but I'm not sure what happened to [broken link removed]! For what it's worth AAM is hosted on [broken link removed] and they seem to be pretty good to deal with. The recent server problems are simply down to lack of capacity on our server and the need to upgrade due to the increasing popularity of the site.
Agree with Clubman re
Used them for a few years now - and they have a suprisingly good free support as well!
i use they are based in the states and i find them very good, i have a forum like this on my server and am about to launch 2 other sites as well.
Yes - I meant to clarify above that you are not restricted to local/Irish ISPs for hosting and you could get even cheaper packages by shopping online in the US etc. In our (AAM's) case it's useful to have support easily accessible.
with the host i am with they recently introduced 24/7 support which suits anywhere on the planet.
Stephen I will be in touch..

Given that I have now tried and tested 3 providers, I am anxious that this time I get it right. I realise that there are providers in the US etc. but in your experience(s) how do these companies compare with Irish hosting for service and support?

Again many thanks for the feedback!
Hosting is very much horses for courses. If you value price above all else, you will find cheaper hosts in the US, where the vast majority of small host vastly oversell their resold resources and put accounts on oversold underpowered servers.

At least with more local providers you can physically visit and see the set-up. There is a reason large websites, government, corporates, etc, dont host with foreign mass providers on $1 per month plans

Hosting in Ireland is just as competetive, if not more so, than the US or UK these days.
the vast majority of small host vastly oversell their resold resources and put accounts on oversold underpowered servers

Which ones? Any evidence to back this up? I've set up many websites using US based economy hosting and I've never had any problems with bandwidth or server performance.
I used for my hosting of a couple of sites, and e-mail only hosting as well. Never had any problems, and support was prompt whenever necessary.

Moved there from digiweb who were an absolute nightmare with customer support. Couldn't be happier now!!
that's interesting Ronan_d_john as digiweb are my current hosters! I don't deal with them directly but throught the company who set up my database and they have been great but the service seems to stop with them. I will look into both dynamic and 365 and compare.
Many thanks for all your replies.
Digiweb are fcused on being an ISP - you will typically get better service from a dedicated hosting company.

Dearg - you've clearly been lucky, I've seen literally hundreds of customers who were with budget providers who had grand service for months then, when the provider lost a hard disk or similar, they found out there was no redundancy, backups, etc, and that they were hosted on a pc box resold out of someplace like ev1 servers or servermatrix.
I don't think I've been 'lucky' and I'm not aware of any evidence for what you have stated - are you? There are clearly reputable providers in the US that can provide hosting at a fraction of the cost of Irish providers - they after all have economies of scale that can't be achieved in Ireland. There can be very valid reasons for using Irish ISP's over US based one's however fear of poor service isn't one.
I Run vb from an american host and its great, they have 24/7 support by e mail and phone and are very vheap compared to irish companies, i wouldn't change for the world.
What typically is 'very cheap' or a 'fraction' of the price? Let's be sure we're comparing apples with apples