Horse Shoe Bar Shelbourne Hotel


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Wondering if anyone has been here? I have a meal in town on Sat night and trying to think of a place to meet up with some people.

Someone suggested its expensive for booze

Anyone been?
Wondering if anyone has been here? I have a meal in town on Sat night and trying to think of a place to meet up with some people. Someone suggested its expensive for booze
It's a dump, full of bourgeois scum. If you want a civilized place to meet up for drinks go to McDaid's.
It's a dump, full of bourgeois scum. If you want a civilized place to meet up for drinks go to McDaid's.

A bit harsh in fairness.

If you're going out for a "nice" meal nearby with friends then I'd recommend it alright. I'd head then to McDaids/Kehoes afterwards maybe.

There's a super bar underneath Shanahan's on the Green called the Oval Office and they have let us in for a drink before eve though we didn't dine there. Lovely bar with JFK's chair behind the bar.
If you want a civilized place to meet up for drinks go to McDaid's.

Nothing civilised about the gents toilet. Couldn't believe how dirty and unkempt it was last time I was there.

As an alternative, Peter's Pub (near Break for the Border) is a down-to-earth, no-nonsense pub (with immaculate toilets!!)