Honeymoon in USA



Just booked our honeymoon for July 2005. Going to St. Pete's Beach in Florida's Gulf Coast for 5 nights (Don Cesar Hotel) and then on to New York for 5 nights (Plaza Hotel). Only booked the Plaza instead of a Fitzpatrick hotel as we wanted to treat ourselves a bit, but have seen lots of very poor reviews on the review sites. Some excellent reports as well, but far too many bad ones to be confident! Anyone stay there lately? The impression I'm getting is that it is an old hotel in need of major refurbishment, and the quality of room is very hit and miss. I don't mind bad reports on staff, as they are often isolated cases/ personality clashes, but a bad room with falling down wallpaper and leaking air conditioning is fairly worrying. Should I go back and book a Fitzpatrick? Never heard a bad report on any of them. Any info would be greatly appreciated, as I still have time to change.
Re: Honeymoon

On a recent trip to NY, we dropped into one of the Fitzpatrick hotels for a drink. Thought the place was very shabby, and the toilets needed attention.

Re the Plaza, if they give you a poor room, take your bags, go directly down to Reception and ask for a better room. Americans would not put up with an unsatisfactory room. so why should you?
Thanks for the advice Swoon0 and Slash. Just looked up tripadvisor.com and it's more of what i've seen already. Reviews ranging from the very satisfied to the downright horrendous. Some real horror stories. Mainly English and US reviewers on the site. Would still like to hear a few Irish people give their views, to get the real low-down!!