Honey Bees

Hmmm... What's funny about this page...?

The guy clearly had fun dealing with the bee situation and that's quite entertaining. The way he photographed everything and talked us through it. It didn't make me laugh out loud, but it made for a welcome break from work.

But what's funny is everyone who get all stressed out over his post and take it so seriously. That's what's funny. And I'm sure you're all absolutely right in everything you've said, but lighten up! (no pun intended...)
I dont think anyone mentioned the bees being killed as the funny part, did they?

I think it was funny what lengths the guy went to, and the fact that someone was there picturing and reporting it. If anything, the words are funnier than the pictures.

I'm really not being smart here but I just didn't get a laugh out of that page, not just because he killed a load of bees - I just don't find what he said or his actions or anything particularly funny. In much the same way as I don't find Seinfeld or any of the american sitcoms funny or any slap stick humour, I just didn't find this amusing at all. Different strokes for different folks here, I'm not getting stressed or mad or anything about it, it was just stupid and unfunny in my opinion!
I don't really equate killing a few bees with being symptomatic of the problems in the world.

Though the thing that did kind of strike me as odd is how he's committing genocide on community of bees and ruining a perfectly good swing, he protects his lawn.

Now that's the american way:"Love the smell of napalmed bees, but don't mark my lawn mellon pickers."
Little anti-American vibe goin on here, as far as i'm aware a majority are against the war, but I'm not sure of their policy on bees.
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Little anti-American vibe goin on here, as far as i'm aware a majority are against the war, but I'm not sure of there policy on bees.

Well they never did prove that the bees had the capabilities to launch a stinging attack within 45 minutes. Though I'm slightly torn on this as I can see how the suicide attack of a bee can be viewed as terrorism.
Quite funny. Especially the photo of the brother-in-law with the hitch in his hands waiting to throw it. The look on his face- priceless.

I'm pro-America and pro-Americans since it appears that I not only have to take a stance on whether it is funny but also on America in general. I definitely won't sit on the fence on that one.

Just love them ( in general) in a very fond sort of way. And not at all in a patronising way like many of my european counterparts.

I'm with you on that. I just got back from a 2 week holiday there and was struck yet again at how friendly, mannerly and well behaved Americans are (and how cheap it is over there).

It also struck me (yet again) how smart many of them are and how much better informed they are, generally, about how their country works than we are about ours.

The stupid American stereotype that so many Irish people love to embrace says much more about those who accept it than it does about its target.
It also struck me (yet again) how smart many of them are and how much better informed they are, generally, about how their country works than we are about ours.

I agree, but conversely, surely you have also experienced how unworldly the average American is, regarding anything outside their own borders?

I have, repeatedly. In fact a couple of (informed) Americans admitted as much to me.

I think the stereotype effects most of Europe as we tend to focus on rednecks and miss america's. Most of the entertainment that we enjoy comes from the US and they have a huge influence on our lives, but still them feckin yanks are soo loud etc etc.
Surely we can look at all countries Stereotypes. Theres one for everyone. Irish? German? French? Aussie? There are lovely people everywhere and there are muppets everywhere.
I've been to quite a lot of places in the US and I just love the people - fantastic place.
Pity about their bees though - I hate them.