Honda Accord Diesel Saloon


Registered User
I currently have a Lexus 2.0 sport and am seriously thinking of changing to a diesel car as the fuel consumption is killing me. Does anybody have any experience of the above make/model?


Have the '03 petrol and love it, I know a guy who had the diesel and he was pretty happy with that. [broken link removed] seems to be a bit of a fan of the diesel ('04 on), "best in class for refinement"
Also one of the most (the most according to [broken link removed] ) reliable cars on the road. Much more classy and understated than others in it's class IMO. The diesel Accords in particular seem to be almost universally very highly regarded.
havethe 04 cdti exec.. brill car.. best car i've bought...

good mileage.... smooth ride...... safe... good looks with upgraded alloys !

buy buy buy!!!
The latest model diesel are 2.2L I believe, so you'll be forking out big bucks to tax it. New model Accord are a cracking car, although parts are expensive.
Just for your info there is a new Accord on the way this year. Its being launched at the Geneva Motor Show in March. It also has the next generation 2.2 diesel engine with even lower CO2 emissions than the current engine so should be cheaper after July with the VRT and car tax changes....
Anyone got an opinion on the Accord Executive versus the Sport version? Same 2.2 diesel engine, so whats the difference - suspension?