'Homework' High, medium voltages


Registered User
Doing some 'homework' at present and was wondering if anyone knows what the classification for Medium Voltage and for High Voltage.
I tried googling but couldn't get the info.
What's the context? What do you mean by "homework" - DIY or cogging your school work off the net? and there seem to be links that clarify what the two terms mean.
A quick google has Medium Voltage as (2.4 kV - 34.5 kV), but there is not much details on that term.

Generally High Voltage and Low Voltage are used.

High voltage is in Wikiedia : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_voltage

Then we have Low Voltage, which is your 230v domestic mains. And Extra Low Voltage (ELV) generaly used for 12v lighting etc.
It was more a queery really, I'm a bit past doing homework. :) I know that in the US medium voltage is 1kV-15kV and high voltage is 15kv and above. Spanish medium voltage is classed as 1kV-33kV.
I wasn't too sure what the Irish(British) classification was. I work with 20kV transformers and I'm not sure if they are classified as high or medium.
These link to the ESB has medium voltage as 10/20kV :
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Google "ESB medium voltage"