Homeowner - Need Copy of Contract Signed


Registered User
Hi All,

Apologies if this is a ridiculous question but I need a copy of the contract we signed when signing for our home 2.5 years ago. I had asked our solicitor for a copy at the time but I guess in all the excitement of signing, I completely forgot to following up!

2.5 years later and we are disputing management fees and I need to refer to a clause in our contract regarding how they should be calculated (i.e. by # of rooms or square footage).

My question is, is this very easy to request from our solicitor (we don't have a very good relationship with her and haven't needed to contact her since). Also, are we liable to incur fees for this simple request, if so can you give me a ballpark figure of how much?

Your management agent should be able to supply you with a copy of your contract. Ours did when I raised a discrepancy between the contract I had and what they were quoting. Seems we were duped in a bait and switch situation, meaning that we pay approx €100 extra in fees per year (we were given a copy of the contract to take away and read, our solr went through this, what we didn't realise was that the percentages were changed in the version we actually signed).
Hi All,

Apologies if this is a ridiculous question but I need a copy of the contract we signed when signing for our home 2.5 years ago. I had asked our solicitor for a copy at the time but I guess in all the excitement of signing, I completely forgot to following up!

2.5 years later and we are disputing management fees and I need to refer to a clause in our contract regarding how they should be calculated (i.e. by # of rooms or square footage).

My question is, is this very easy to request from our solicitor (we don't have a very good relationship with her and haven't needed to contact her since). Also, are we liable to incur fees for this simple request, if so can you give me a ballpark figure of how much?


It's not necessarily the Contract - it could be a Lease, a Lease of Easements, or the Transfer

Whatever it is, the solicitor won't have it- all your deeds will have gone back to your lender. She would be able to check her file, though, and tell you what you need to be looking for.

You could request a copy from your lender. If you are in Meath, you could ask the Property Registration Authority for a copy of the instrument effecting your Transfer.

As shesells says, the management agent may be able to provide it - although, I find that very often they are operating on an assumed basis rather than an actual legal agreement.

How much would the solicitor charge? Most of us would do it for free - it's quite likely that the information will be available in computer archives and so it would not be a matter of taking up a closed file from storage. However, you say you don't have a very good relationship with her and that could be for all kinds of reasons but I have been badly stung by some of my (former) clients ( in all kinds of ways) and so, for some clients, the ones who have behaved really badly, well now - why would I bother doing anything for them?

Thanks both for your replies.

When I said we didn't have a very good relationship, I don't mean that it turned sour or anything. Just that we literally only met her twice or three times, she's not a family friend or anything.

I'll try the managing agent and see what they say.

Thanks again!