Homebrokers.ie Re-negotiating the price of an apt bought off plans



I saw an ad in the independent on Sunday saying that if you bought an apartment off plans in 2006/2007 and it will be finishing around now, that homebrokers could save you as much as €60-80k by re-negotiating on your behalf. Below is a copy of their ad.

Has anyone got any experience of using homebrokers or used any other similar companies in Dublin?


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1. Bought a property from plans in 2006 / 2007 and worried about a decrease in value?
2. Want to exit a purchase contract?
3. Trouble with your management company?
4. Property completion delayed?
5. Mortgage approval fallen through?
6. Not receiving support and advice from your solicitor?
7. Facing negative equity?
8. Been gazumped?
9. Need confidentiality in your transaction negotiation?
IMHO you would have to be nuts to use a "service" like this. €495 for what!!??

A purchaser is already paying a solicitor to examine title and negotiate on their behalf. If you're not happy with your solicitor - move!! Don't pay completely unnecessary fees to someone who can only ring your solicitor, then ring you and tell you what your solicitor said!

Sounds like marketing without substance to me ..
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The person behind this enterprise was the "Mortgage Leader (Ireland) and Global Mortgage Distribution Leader with GE Money" (see attached)
This should read as "From the people who helped bring you sub-prime mortgages comes an exciting new way to hand over your hard earned cash."
This is a mortgage broker diversifying in difficult times.
I personally cannot see the benefit. I agree with Kate10 that a solicitor should be able to do this as part of his/her job. Paying €495 for the service is nuts.