Hi All,
I am a new member of this forum and firstly I would like to say that I find it very informative indeed, there are some very good ideas links etc, I particularly like the Craic section.
Because of this I feel as if I am obliged to let all of you good people out there about the experience I have encountered.
I have been having numerous problems with gangs of young fellas hanging around my home, they were continuously making noise until the late hours of the morning and damaging my own car and others around them, ( I now know that this is a regular occurrence in housing estates).
I had called the gardai on numerous occasions but typically they were no help as i couldn't prove who it was..
I was a stumped.. The only solution was to go buy a CCTV system, but I couldn't afford this...
Then I was in my local shopping centre and I saw a stall which had tiny cameras that you could setup on your home TV, I bought one plugged it in through my video and boom instant picture and low and behold that night I was able to watch the bastards outside.
I then called the gardai and had the proof that I needed so much before now..
The website is
www.microdigicam.com and based in Ireland, i have no affiliation to this what so ever but I feel that there are many more out there like me who could benefit from this.
Thanks again for a wonderful site, i hope many people can benefit from this.