Home Repossession data

Brendan Burgess

If anyone has any hard data to add to this, please do.

[broken link removed]

Repossessions by mainstream lenders in 2007: 50 ( Pat Farrell , Irish Bankers Federation)
So repossessions by Sub-prime: around 60

Applications for repossessions up to end of June 2008: 254 ( full year 2007: 187)
Start Mortgages accounted for 110 of these.
Ge Capital applied for 20.
AIB: 13
Ulster Bank: 13
Bank of Ireland: 11

Source:[broken link removed]

Start getting tough on repossessions
Start's lending policy for its first 2 years of business was ridiculous. Like I've stated before, the subprime market has yet to burst it's banks in Ireland yet. From what i've seen from working in specialist brokers, it's going to get very messy indeed.
What percentage of the total mortgage market (in term of €s and borrowers) do the likes of Start have?