Recent quote of €400 from Allianz for house we are buying:
Rebuild costs for 3 bed mid-terrace - 250k
Contents - 25k
Specified items - 5k
Accidental Damage included
Excess €250
New customer, includes online discount and discount for also having car insurance
Im just putting this in in case anyone finds it useful in the future....
4 bed semi detached new build in Dublin
750k rebuild
200k Contents
75k specified items (covered worldwide) mostly jewellery and watches
Its the specified items that are the issue but if you dont get a specialist policy insurers are asking for annual valuations for everything which isnt feasible.
Hello, could you please clarify about the specified items ? Do you have a particular policy for these items or are they included with the rebuild and contents and with the same company. I also don't want to get annual valuations but also want them covered worldwide ? Many thanks