Home heating timer has stopped


Registered User
If the timer in my home heating system has stopped (it is the mechanical rather than electronic type), is it likely to require replacement. I don't know if it is a lack of power to the timer or a fault with the timer itself. All trip switches are normal.

I did turn on+off the main switch for the entire house a few times yesterday, but would not have expected that to be a contributary factor. Had done so several times in the past without problem.
Try advancing the dial manually to see if the one/ off tappets are working. Are you sure the timer is at fault- try the reset button on the oil boiler (presuming you have an oil fired system?).
The boiler is fine.
The on/off widgets for each time period are also fine, because when I manually advance the timer, it (the boiler) comes on and off as appropriate.

The problem is that the timer is not advancing on its own. i.e. the clock has stopped.
Those do fail though not that often, might even be repairable but since they're only about 20 euro to buy I wouldn't bother trying.

If you feel comfortable replacing a normal electric switch, this is almost as straightforward to replace - if you can buy the exact same model it's a case of noting down the positions of the wires and moving them to the new one - make sure the power is off first of course. You should go to an electrical supplies place where electricians themselves go, rather than B&Q or Woodies etc., it'll be cheaper and they'll have the right model.
Did it. 45 Euro for part, and installed it in 5 minutes. More expensive than expected, but not worth the bother trying to debug the old one. It was not a mechanical problem.