Home Cinema sytems - Ripoff


Registered User

I've been doing some research recently as I'm interested in buying a home cinema system, specifically with wireless rear speakers.

The one I'm interested in is a Sony Dav-DZ700FW. This doesn't seem to be widely available outside the Sony Centre shops and is retailing for €829. However, it's available online for £346 (€515'ish) (). The issue is that most online retailers in the UK don't ship to ROI. I do have an address I can use in N.I for delivery purposes and then collect myself. A bit of hassle but for a saving of €300, well worth it.

Alternatively, I'm thinking about going into the Sony Centre shop and trying to strike a deal based on these figures.

Anyone any thoughts or ideas?

PS: This ripoff doesn't just apply to Sony, every system I reviewed was massively overpriced in Ireland when compared to UK sites.


pixmania.com - click on irish flag, they ship to ireland, if they haven't got it then e-mail them and ask if they will ship it to you form Ireland. In March 2003 I bought a Sony Cinema system and it was 749.00 euro in DID, three months later it was 449.00 euro. 300 euro drop in as many months.

Just be careful when buying these systems.
I'm thinking about going into the Sony Centre shop and trying to strike a deal based on these figures.
I tried this when shopping for a digital camera, but to no avail. I told them the price I would pay based on my knowlege of internet prices and I was even willing to pay a (reasonable) premium on the internet price to get it there and then, but they wouldn't come anywhere near the internet price. Result: Amazon.co.uk 1 - Sony Shop 0.
While I am far from being a champion of the HiFi retailer I think it is unreasonable to expect any high street store to match a price on the internet. Internet retailers have limited overheads; no high street rent or rates, no display costs, reduced staff costs, reduced insurance etc etc etc so it is reasonable to expect them to charge a lot less.

With the high street store what do you get for you extra money ? - usually the product there and then, an ability to try the item out in person to check weight, size, performance etc, the assurance that if the product goes phhffftsssssst!!!! clunk you can walk back into the shop and demand a replacement; you also have the person to person advice of the sales assistant and the knowledge that you are dealing witha reputable company. Also, for some of the higher end stuff many high street shops will let you buy "on approval" - ie let you take it home, try it out and if not happy bring it back

Also, the price differential isn't always as big as the example given by Deccou - I recently shoppped for an 26' LCD TV; went to Currys where a very intelligent, polite and seemingly well informed sales person walked me through the different options; after I had decided on a Samsung 26' LCD he quoted me the price €999 - I then went home, checked on the internet and the best I could find it for was €950 on some german site - so I think Currys are going to get the sale.
Finally, if you go to a single brand shop, like the Sony Shops, you are not going to get best price - they don't sell on price they sell on image and service

One thing to remember is if there is a problem with it. Sending it back to the UK is a pain in the ass. At least on the high street you can bring it in, plonk it on the counter and demand your money back.
At least on the high street you can bring it in, plonk it on the counter and demand your money back.
With the high street store what do you get for you extra money ? - usually the product there and then, an ability to try the item out in person to check weight, size, performance etc

Like I said I was willing to pay a premium for this but I wasn't going to pay €200 for the pleasure.

I think it is unreasonable to expect any high street store to match a price on the internet.

It's not unreasonable for a consumer to try to get the best price possible. The seller can always decide not to sell at a given price or try to convince the purchaser of the value they are adding, but that doesn't mean the consumer shouldn't try.
Ok, I never mentioned that I expect a high-street retailer to match a price on the web. Fair enough, re the economics involved in trading on the high-street vs web. However, I believe it to be in the consumer's interests to fight for the best deal possible. I think a price difference of €300 is unreasonable. No?

Good point about the whole warranty / replacement issue though.

Mention here of an example of competitive pricing and quality customer service experienced in Currys. That’s sounds like a result. However, how about this one: I was in Dixons (same group as Curry’s) last week looking at digital cordless phones. Serious about a purchase. However, their locked display cabinet was all over the place, many handsets or base units missing. The particular Philips one I was interested in was not on display, however there were a stack of them in boxes on the floor. I mentioned to the salesman that I wished to try-out the Philips model but that it wasn’t in the display cabinet. Could I therefore simply open a box to try it out.

The answer: “You can’t open the boxes”. I nearly fell over with astonishment!! For a second I thought he was joking, alas he was not. Then, I thought he must have misunderstood and so I asked again. Seriously, and with all the self-importance he could muster he advised me that indeed I was not allowed to open any of the boxes. Couldn’t believe it, still brings a strange smile to my face thinking about it. Anyway, will not be darkening their doorway again.

Look, apologies if it sounds like I’m having a go, but I’m just not for justifying inflated prices, regardless of the spin or statistical massaging that accompany them.

I’m just looking for the best deal. Any other retailers or sites offering good deals for home cinema systems would be appreciated.



Absolutely; I'm not trying to impinge apon your rights to shop around - my post was more directed at people who feel they are being "ripped off" - they are not; they are comparing different retailers with different cost bases


Are you seriously attempting to justify the cost variance outlined solely to differing cost-bases? One word - Flimsy.

Is there any basis to suspect that high street businesses enjoy higher profit margins than online ones? I doubt it. Morning Ireland today featured Kenny's Bookshop in Galway who are shutting their city centre store after 60-odd years in business because their web sales are now more profitable.
www.richersounds.ie do quality hi-fi and home cinema gear at competative prices. They also offer to beat the price of any other shop or online store. Used to have a place on the quays in Dublin, but closest store is now in Belfast.

Are you seriously attempting to justify the cost variance outlined solely to differing cost-bases?

Basically - Yes! Different cost bases plus the value add of immediate product availability, expert advice, ability to test before buying and ease of return.

Internet retailers have the added advantage of being able to base their distribution centres in the most Tax and VAT advantageous locations in Europe (eg Guernsey, Jersey, Lux etc) while having their sales, management, call centres in the lowest salary centres (eg Slovenia, Poland, Greece etc).

So, you are not being ripped off for two reasons - 1. You were not forced to buy the product (which you readily admit was not widely available thus normal supply vs demand should increase the price anyway) and in fact you actively shopped around and 2. There is a genuine reason for the difference in prices between high street and internet stores as stated above.

I'm not having a go either I'm just trying to get people thinking about why there are prices differences between different methods of buying goods.

For the best info on hifi stuff go to www.avforums.co.uk where they seem to have nearly every system under the sun analysed and graded by users.

A couple of other sites:
[broken link removed]
[broken link removed]

Have you tried Richer Sounds.ie - They are no longer in Dublin but still have a place in NI. They also deliver to the south, but there is a delivery charge. I have used them, before and found the product good.
You can go to X Music (?) - a Richer Sounds specialist (e.g. DJ decks etc.) outlet - on Wellington Quay and they will take your order for Richer Sounds equipment and take delivery of it at no extra charge as far as I know.