Home Carer's Allowance and working



I posted a confusing question already and got no replies so hope rewording will help!
I am on a career break minding the kids. My husband is a PAYE worker paying 41%. He gets a Home Carer's Allowance for me.
I understand that I can earn up to certain figure (€5000 and something) without losing the Home Carer's Allowance.
I have the opportunity to earn a small amount of money (500-1000 euro per annum) but I would have to declare it to revenue myself, therefore effectively have to become self-employed.
My question is how would that be taxed? Would it be at 41%?
It would be taxed at 20% (plus prsi) as you will have your own standard rate cut off point that would more than cover that level of income.
I understand that I can earn up to certain figure (€5000 and something) without losing the Home Carer's Allowance.
€5,080. Above €5,080 the credit is reduced. Above €6,880 you no longer qualify.

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