Home Broadband - Anti-Virus & Firewall


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Just ordered Eircom B/B for home family use, so I assume I need to install an anti-virus & Firewall on my PC - it's running Windows XP Pro, reading the sticky post on the forum I'm thinking of installing AVG Anti-virus Pro & Zone Alarm, I'd appreciate it if anyone with expertise in the area would give their opinion on whether or not I'm correct in my choice's.

I use both of these and find them very good.

Just to be aware, I think I read somewhere that updates for the free version of AVG Anti-virus will no longer be available from January 07 (you'll be alright if you get Pro). Anyone else hear this??
I use both of these and find them very good.

Just to be aware, I think I read somewhere that updates for the free version of AVG Anti-virus will no longer be available from January 07 (you'll be alright if you get Pro). Anyone else hear this??

No I dont think u are correct there-as I understand it support will stop end Jan 07 for version 7.1-there is a new free version 7.5 currently available which will be supported.
I think AVG free is good once its updated regularly-just this week alone it has located and dealt with 2 Trojans on my computer.
I used ZA free edition for a few years until I garnered enough faith in Windows XP firewall (XP SP2). No problems yet. Mind you, the routers I've used (Belkin and Linksys) have always had some kind of inbuilt firewall too. No harm to run Spybot every once in a while though. Like others, I've used Avast and AVG for antivirus and no problems with either. Both free. Also no harm to install Google toolbar (if you're using Internet Explorer) to stop those popups.

Mind you, I've been running Windows Vista for a few weeks now without going near antivirus, firewall or adware-bashing apps. No problems to report on that front either. Most admin tasks result in a dialog prompt so that you are in control of everything that goes on.

We'll see how long that lasts though ...
just this week alone it has located and dealt with 2 Trojans on my computer.
If you are getting these by web browsing then you should consider switching from IE (if applicable) and also maybe using something like [broken link removed].
I used ZA free edition for a few years until I garnered enough faith in Windows XP firewall (XP SP2). No problems yet.
You should bear in mind that ZA and other firewalls check both incoming and outgoing traffic (e.g. viruses that get onto your PC and try to initiated connections to the net) but the XP firewall only checks incoming traffic. I think that Vista changes this though. Apart from this the XP firewall is quite limited feature and security wise compared to other (including free) offerings.
Mind you, the routers I've used (Belkin and Linksys) have always had some kind of inbuilt firewall too.
Router firewalling could obviate the need for a software firewall but it all depends on the router/firewall. On the other hand a laptop used on the go and connected to different LANs should generally have a software firewall installed.
If you are getting these by web browsing then you should consider switching from IE (if applicable) and also maybe using something like [broken link removed].
Thanks for that advise-will check that out. as well as AVG
I have Adaware,Spybot,Spywareblaster and A Squared which all pick up stuff from time to time.
What does concern me is the amount of spam-up to 40 a day mostly rubbish
which I can delete thru Spamihilator-but cant work out why I get so much-how the hell do these creeps get your email address
Keep an eye on your man Gizmo Richards' site linked above and/or sign up for his free newsletter. He keeps good tabs on this sort of thing and regularly (re-)reviews free tools and alters his recommendations based on the current state of play.