Home Bond House Building Manual 6th Edition


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Trying to lay my hands on the above book, anyone got any suggestions? Easons can't locate it for me Homebond not replying. Any other ideas on where to find? Thanks
The Technical Guidance Documents showing means to comply with the building regulations are available for free on the DOEHLG website.


I understand that the Homebond book may be a colloquial interpretation of these and some people have expressed concern about some of the details in it.

However there are twelve highly technical books and several key details are not spelled out properly in them.
Fire safety implications of ducting and insulation are not really discussed in any detail for domestic work.

If you intend to carrying out building work I respectfully suggest that you seek professional advice.
If you have a specific technical question you can ask and hopefully someone can answer it.


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All advice on AAM is remote from the situation and cannot be relied upon as a defence or support - in and of itself - should legal action be taken.
Competent legal and building professionals should be asked to advise in Real Life with rights to inspect and issue reports on the matter at hand.
Currently out of print. It is available in some public libraries, and the UCD Architectural Library at Richview has copies. You could also check adverts.ie which has had copies for sale previously.

As Homebond House Building Manual shows best building practice together with summary of Building Regulations, & I understand that the main difference between each edition is updates to the Building Regulations, as ONQ suggests you could consult the Technical Guidance Documents of the Building Regulations on the Dept Of Environment website, and refer to an earlier edition for best building practice.

Hope that is of use.
Thanks for link to those Guidance Documents. I have engaged Professionals however I just want to undertake some reading so that I can better understand and question the advice which I am being given.
Currently out of print.
i'd imagine the reason its out of print is its out of date...
with the new part L's and BER introduction there needs to be a holistic approach taken, something that cannot be achieved by specific examples in a home-bond book
Thanks for link to those Guidance Documents. I have engaged Professionals however I just want to undertake some reading so that I can better understand and question the advice which I am being given.

Feel free to ask the question here.


[broken link removed]

All advice on AAM is remote from the situation and cannot be relied upon as a defence or support - in and of itself - should legal action be taken.
Competent legal and building professionals should be asked to advise in Real Life with rights to inspect and issue reports on the matter at hand.