Home automation


Registered User
I am currently looking at building a new house and am considering some of the home automation systems on offer,I am not looking for a very elaborate system but the idea of an intergrated telephone/tv/broadband system linked to all the rooms is appealing.
Has anybody had expieriences of these systems,would you recommend any particular companies?
Are they worth the cost,have received 1 quote but I think they have included everything but the kitchen sink and didnt give me a breakdown as requested 14K.
Are you talking about [broken link removed] or house-wide access to media (audio/video) over a network?
UpTheBanner said:
check out [broken link removed]
Doesn't work in FireFox. I presume it's using ActiveX components and/or VBScript or something like that.
Originally Posted by UpTheBanner
check out [broken link removed]

I know this is off topic but in my opinion that website is one of the worst I have seen in some time - difficult to navigate, multi-coloured text and no real information.

I'm sure the person who runs netav is very good at his / her job but their website does not reflect this.