Home alone

Henny Penny

Registered User
Is there a legal age at which children can be left at home alone for a whole day or part thereof?
Just wondering.
what would constitute a part thereof?? if theyre older teenagers and reasonably responsible,I suppose a few hours under strict ground rules couldnt hurt I certainly wouldnt leave anyone under 14 alone though..daithi
we were stuck for a babysitter a good few years ago and a neighbour said that his daughter would do. never returned to original babysitter as this new babysitter was better all round. she's now married and a secondary school teacher, no doubt a good one too. She was 14 when she started with us and we had our reservations. but then again her parents were only yards away and we didnt have a fire ( or gas). I would say a responsible 14/15 year old should be ok but not overnight.
In my own experience, a responsible 14/15-year-old whom your kids know and like can often be better than an 18/25-year-old who's just doing it for the money. Even for an overnight — on condition of course that the 'Cavalry' are on hand if anything goes seriously wrong...

I'm not sure that we're answering the OP's question, 'though — if you're asking whether there's an official, 'legal age at which children can be left at home alone', the short answer is probably none. Until they're 18, the parent/guardian is responsible for their well-being, afaik, and of course the extent to which their safety/well-being might be compromised by being left at home alone depends on the circumstances.

A cautionary tale — I recently heard of a woman living near us who had a dreadful experience in this regard. She had a really important appointment to keep, and her babysitter was delayed but had called to say she'd definitely be there within the half-hour — so she left her 11-year-old and 8-year-old in front of the telly, with strict instructions about not answering the door, etc. and went ahead. 15 minutes later the Social Services arrived — having been called by a 'concerned neighbour' — and removed the children from the home. She wasn't allowed even see her children for a further six hours, and they weren't released back into her care until the following day...

I/we had to wonder if it is 'cos she is black'...? :mad: