Holohan & Etherfield


Registered User
Has anyone noticed that any time a government minister is asked a question about the bank guarantee or the bailout, they always mention "well Patrick Holohan said". Batt O'Keefe was at it again last night.

I genuinely believe that apart from maybe 2 or 3 ministers, the rest of them actually don't understand the financial mess that we are in. The only thing they can thing of doing is dropping Holohan & Etherfields names into the debate. As most of them are not from a financial background, they do not understand the nuts and bolts of whats happening.
Yes it is very noticeable..
They are clinging onto power ,that is the reason I think they will not tell us the full picture,because if we knew...
This is most likely why they want the budget passed too,so they can join Bertie and they all live happily ever after.
They quote H & E in an attempt to give creedence to their own arguments. At least it acknowledges that they have no personal credibility.
Its Honohan & Elderfield. I hope the ministers at least got their names correct.
We have a cabinet full of teachers, social workers and solicitors. For all the faults of the american system, at least Obama can appoint experts in their field.
We have a cabinet full of teachers, social workers and solicitors. For all the faults of the american system, at least Obama can appoint experts in their field.

Some of the Scandanavian adopt a similar approach. Head of a Ministry is regarded as just another job in a specialist career and not as the utlimate reward for faithfully hauling your ass around he chicken-and-chips circuit for decades.